Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone - Bill Wither passes

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Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone - Bill Wither passes

Postby jon » Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:36 am

The legendary Bill Withers passed away Monday, from heart complications. The News was just released today by the family.

The CNN article lists his best known hits as "Lean On Me", "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Lovely Day".

I recently heard an interview with Booker T. Jones on Sirius/XM where he talked about recording Bill Withers for the first time. They met when Bill came into his office with a briefcase full of songs and Booker T. asked him to sing a few.

Booker T. was knocked out by the quality of the songs and immediately arranged a recording session. Because of the difficulty getting Studio Time at such short notice, it ended up being at 3:00 AM. All the session players were set up and ready when Bill walked in. He looked around and said "Who's going to sing my songs?". Booker T. looked embarrassed for the miscommunication and said simply "You are." And the recording session went very well.
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