In 1954, Country Canada debuted on CBC-TV under the name "Country Calendar". The show's cancellation, for the end of that year, was announced in April 2007, with Reg Sherron its last host; Reg began in 1999. Produced in Winnipeg, the program covered farm News, but quickly focused on attracting urban viewers, adjusting its presentation appropriately.
In 1965, Cross-Country Check-Up debuted on CBC Radio, and is still heard today on CBC Radio One. It has held its Sunday afternoon time spot all of these years. Listeners phone in from across the country, and their comments are aired live on-air. The current host is Duncan McCue but the longest running host immediately preceded him: Rex Murphy, from 1994 to 2016. Previous hosts, in reverse chronological order, have been Dale Goldhawk, Peter Downie, August LaPaix, Dennis Trudeau, Wayne Grigsby, Elizabeth Gray, Harry Eldon, Pierre Pascau, John Dafoe, Betty Shapiro, Percy Saltzman and Brad Crandall.